Turn disorganized data into actionable intelligence.
The Lakebed app is a central hub to store your data from many different places. Use the app to quickly and easily create powerful dashboards, reports, and business applications.

Built & Working For You
Small Business
Use our data concierge for data analysis service & support. It’s great for any organization that doesn’t have the time or resources for data analysis but wants to make data-driven decisions.
Have Lakebed installed on the server of your choice and leverage our data concierge to build your reports. Then delegate data updates and additional analysis to administration staff with training & support from Lakebed experts.
Large Enterprise
As many data lakes as needed on-premises or in the cloud. It’s extremely quick to install and populate Lakebed without writing a single line of code. Analysts can then leverage API queries or the database directly.
Do More With Your Data
Why Choose Lakebed?
Lakebed can run on any server so you aren’t beholden to a cloud apps's uptime or security measures. You control your own data and your own security. Choose who has access to what and use the event log and email notifications to stay current.
A simple monthly price means you’ll never worry about increases or hidden costs often found in cloud options. You can change, upgrade, downgrade, or turn off your own Lakebed server any time. And, owned servers are an asset on your books not just a monthly expense.
User Friendly
Thanks to the friendly user interface and contextual help, any authenticated user can drag & drop data files into the data lake. You could delegate data upload to admin staff freeing up time for data-driven decisions.
Lakebed is Perfect for All Your Data Needs
Data-Driven Marketing Analysis
With Lakebed, you can pull KPIs, costs and other important data across all channels for a 360-degree view your marketing initiatives. Then you can optimize your efforts to lower cost per acquisition, increase average order value and maximize ROI.

Near Real Time Business Intelligence
Using Lakebed to centralize disparate data, an insurance company could easily draw correlations between website traffic, marketing and policies issued. Weather data could also be added to perform claims analysis of natural disasters like hurricanes and forest fires.

Combine Data From Many Sources
Lakebed makes it really easy to drag & drop files into the data lake. External data sources can be polled for changes, IoT devices can automatically add data to the lake, or data can be uploaded & processed automatically.

Easy Segmentation and Data Wrangling
If a company or government agency needs to separate Open Date from internal data mixed among several sources, Lakebed is the ideal solution. It can handle the sorting, cleaning, labelling and for multiple applications simultaneously, so staff doesn’t have to.

Free Personal Demo
See for yourself how Lakebed saves the time and headaches of traditional data storage solutions. We’ll even use your data, so you can enjoy the benefits right away.